The Washington Latin Middle School Swim Team competed in the final meet of the season, the St. Albans International. Seven members competed, coached by middle school math teacher Ms. Kolb. Fifth grader Robert Campbell finished 1st in the 50 yard freestyle race, and first in the 50 yard butterfly. The girls 200 Medley Relay team of 8th graders Celia Servaites and Charlotte Lin, sixth grader Alice Lin, and fifth grader Tilly Mott finished third. Alice Lin and Claire Campbell finished 4th and 5th overall in the 50 year freestyle, out of 22 swimmers. Alice also earned a 5th place finish in the 100 meter. Celia came in fourth in the 50 meter freestyle as well as 2nd place in the 50 meter butterfly. Charlotte finished 5th in the 100 meter race. Tillie Mott finished 3rd in the 50 meter backstroke. Alice, Tillie, and Claire finished 5th, 6th, and 7th in the 100 meter race.