At last weekend’s United Nations Conference hosted by Alice Deal Middle School, Washington Latin middle schoolers earned several awards for their outstanding performances during the debates. Seventh grader, Willa Roemer portrayed Governor John Kasich of the state of Ohio on a special crisis committee, called “The Election of 2020.” She earned an award for her performance at the Closing Ceremony. Seventh grader, Ganesh Bhojwani served on the UN Women’s Committee debating women’s voting rights throughout the world. He earned an Honorable Mention award at the Closing Ceremony. Ben Yarkin and Tomas Portilla- Marchiori displayed their mastery of environmental issues as they skillfully debated the topic of marine plastics while serving on the UN Environmental Programme committee, earning awards for “Outstanding Delegates” at the award ceremony. Newcomer to the Model UN, Luke Paci debated the Rohingya crisis to find solutions to this civil rights and immigration issue.