For the fourth consecutive year, Washington Latin’s Government classes participated in the DC Historical Society’s Mock Court Program. Students from Ms. Colt’s and Mr. Liu’s classes spent several weeks working with distinguished volunteer lawyers to prepare oral arguments in cases involving the First and Fourth Amendments. Yesterday (March 2) students presented their arguments before two real-life judges. Ms. Colt’s class presented before Judge Hiram Puig-Lugo of the D.C. Superior Court and Mr. Liu’s class presented before Chief Judge Sri Srinivasan of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. The students who presented included Baille Cooper, Isaac Davenport, Paulina Inglima, Idrisah Janneh, Serenity Johnson, Eden Olsen, Jack Pearson, Kai Pfeuffer, Tomas Portilla-Marchiori, Cydney Roberts, Catherine Shepherd, Connor Smith, Archer Griffin, Alex Kelley, Beimnet Addis, Lucia Claire, Alice Pittard, Natalie Timberg, Brandon Souverain, Capri Romney, Greer Mcphie, Brooke Oliver and Max Aaron. All students did an amazing job answering tough questions from the judges and applying the facts of the case to the precedents, with the judges recognizing Bailee Cooper and Brandon Souverain for their outstanding presentations. Afterward, one of the volunteer lawyers, Judge Andrea Hertzfeld of the D.C. Superior Court, hosted our students for a Q&A session in her courtroom, which also included a U.S. Marshall. Students asked great questions of both and learned a great deal about our legal system. A number of other schools participated in this annual program, including School Without Walls, Maret, H.D. Woodson and several other area high schools.