(A)broadening Your Horizons

(A)broadening Your Horizons

When I was growing up, the assignment I dreaded more than any was the “How I Spent My Summer Vacation” essay that I was asked to write almost every year from the elementary grades through high school. I filled my summers with lots of reading and writing, plenty of time spent outdoors, the occasional day camp, and trips, usually to the beach or to the countryside. Still, I imagined that my classmates were enjoying far more exciting vacations and that my experiences “paled in comparison.”

What is evident to me is that many Washington Latin students have summertime options that were not available to me. Besides the local museums, art galleries, universities and recreational centers that offer programs, often at reasonable cost, Latin students are eligible to receive scholarships for international travel or to participate in cultural exchanges or policy forums. For situations in which external scholarships are limited or do not exist, we have also established the Equal Access fund to help us make international travel and summer enrichment possible for more students. You can learn more about that fund here.

At the 9th grade new student orientation a few days before the start of the school year, a few of our upper schoolers recounted their summer experiences. I was spellbound as I listened to students discuss what they had learned and how they had grown. The research is clear: summer programs which include academic and social components lead to positive outcomes for students. Benefits include higher school-year attendance and achievement, increased motivation to learn, increased feelings of belonging, and reduced participation in risky behavior. Just spend a minute or two talking with some of our students about how they spent their summer and you will walk away convinced that some of these experiences were transformative.

Junior Owen Fox-Whelpton studied Arabic in Morocco at the Qalam Wa Lawh Center. Junior Alicia Trejo did various projects as a part of the Learn Serve program in Paraguay. Senior Chandler Broussard was able to go to China and senior Dyllan Cole visited Jordan as a part of the National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLIY). Sophomore Lydia Moore volunteered with orphans in Tanzania. Ninth grader Nia Matthews-Cox participated in a peace camp in Indonesia. Junior Oliver Spiva studied neuroscience at McGill University in Montreal. Senior Maya Woods-Arthur spent several weeks at the St. Albans School of Public Service, where she met with house representatives and a Supreme Court justice. Several students participated in the Concordia Summer Language Camp in Minnesota. Two of our sophomores studied Arabic at the Middlebury Monterey Language Academy in Vermont. Three seniors went to Rome as a part of the Paideia Institute’s “Living Latin in Rome” program. One junior did a similar program in Greece. And this only accounts for a fraction of the summer adventures enjoyed by many of our students.

To learn more about international travel opportunities for our students (and especially how they can be affordable for your family), please visit the Study Abroad Forum at the school on Tuesday, September 25th at 6:30 p.m.



Back in Action

Back in Action

Middle School parents attended Back to School Night on Thursday.  Teachers presented an overview of the curriculum, complete with discussions about the essential questions that govern each class. Back to School Night is a great chance to learn about what happens inside the classroom and get a sense of the long-term goals and objectives for each classroom. Upper School Back to School Night is next Thursday.

Remembrances of Tragedy and Hope

Remembrances of Tragedy and Hope

Teachers visited Mr. Hagerty’s junior class to describe their own experiences and memories from September 11, 2001. Speakers included Ms. Abercrombie, Mr. Martin, Ms. Breitman, and Ms. Grant. The visitors spoke about their memories of the day and its aftermath and their thoughts about how the terrorist attack has affected our society since then. For many students who were born since the event, the personal experiences help illustrate the intense emotions associated with this historic event and help them understand the context and aftermath of the incident. Later in the year Mr. Hagerty’s class will travel to Shanksville, Pennsylvania to see the site of the downed fourth plane.

Guess Who You’ll Meet on U Street

Guess Who You’ll Meet on U Street

Ms. Grant’s DC History classes went on a walking tour Wednesday and Thursday of U Street. Local historical sites include the Victorian-era neighborhood, developed largely between 1862 and 1900. The historic district was the center of Washington’s African American community between 1900 and 1948, including African American fraternities/societies, theaters, and jazz clubs. Students were surprised to meet Ben’s Chili Bowl owner Virginia Ali and former presidential candidate Jesse Jackson in their travels this week.
Science Teacher Trip

Science Teacher Trip

Science teachers attended a visual arts exhibit last Thursday at Artechouse. The “Fractal Worlds” exhibit Julius Horsthuis, which tries to “bridge the gap between the real and virtual world,” creating sci-fi worlds and infinite 3D geometric patterns. The art included projection and virtual reality elements using fractals.  The exhibit uses math and infinite geometric patterns to create  images and films. The science teachers will be using  math and technology in their curriculum including digital simulations.