We Want Wind!

Eighth graders in Ms. Barlev’s science class engineered and built windmills in their study of climate change. Using various materials to construct their windmills students made videos using breath, a hairdryer, a fan, or wind to show their machine’s movement and explained their designs and how they worked. In the climate change unit, students are studying different causes of climate change and researching and evaluating different solutions. Other options for the unit project include a research project on alternative energy, or green technology and  starting an advocacy organization.

Senior Sensations

Seniors are gearing up for a month of exciting activities. Friday will be the Junior/Senior prom with the theme of Enchanted Garden in a large tent on the field. Students will vote to elect their prom royalty on the night of the dance. There will also be a Senior Cookout at 6pm on the 7th and a Junior Senior Bonfire the same night. Finally, seniors will gear up for an in-person valediction to bid adieu to Ms. Smith on June 11th, and of course graduation at Bengie’s Drive-in on the 14th. 

Riding the Waves

Sixth graders in Ms. Dobler’s science class were investigating the properties and movement of sound waves this week during laboratory time. Students modeled how sound travels using slinkies. They also used tuning forks to investigate the relationship between sound and vibrations and different ways that the sound you hear can change, and got to see inside a speaker to see how it creates the vibrations that make the sounds we hear.

Softball Plays Hard

The Varsity Softball team also won Monday with a nail biting triumph over Paul Public Charter School. Sophomore Laila Anderson-White pitched a complete game, hit a home run and drove in a winning RBI. Junior Sydney Weaver and senior Hawa Stuff had multiple hits, along with sophomore Zoe Riedel, who scored multiple RBI’s. Sophomore Ella Kramer scored the winning run. The team is coached by Mr. Staten and Ms. Kolb. 


The middle school Baseball A Team defeated Basis Monday 11 to 1. The team, coached by Mr. Staten and Mr. Coleman includes students in grades 6 through 8. Eighth grader Wesley Freed was the winning pitcher, striking out 9 in the four innings of play. Seventh grader Tate Meier and eighth grader Liam Saxon both had home runs. 

Man of Service

Gonzaga College High School named Latin’s 7th grade Ancient Civilization teacher the 2021 recipient of the Father Novonty Alumni Service Award. Mr. Wills, who also advises the Model UN club, has been a teacher for several decades, and used to teach 5th grade science teacher Ms. Dorsey when she was in elementary school! He previously taught at Alexandria Country Day School, Grace Episcopal, The Edmund Burke School, until he joined the history department at Washington Latin in 2015. His lifetime of service to the community and commitment to education was honored through the award, which was created in the memory of the former Gonzaga president for an alumnus who shows commitment to service.  Learn more about the award here.