2nd Street

First Day of School - August 25
Back to School 2022-23
The first day of school is tomorrow, Thursday, August 25th! A few updates before we start tomorrow:
- Breakfast and lunch will be served starting Thursday with our new meals vendor, Genuine Foods! You will find the menu on the 2nd Street Parents home page soon! Breakfast, milk, and fresh fruit are always free for all students, as is lunch is free for students who qualify for Free and Reduced Meals (FARMs) and $4 for all others. Students do not need to sign up nor pay in advance. We will bill families for lunch approximately every six weeks with a variety of payment options.
- COVID test before school – We have been distributing rapid tests to families at our Back to School events. You must then upload the results to the same DC Health form we have been using through the pandemic. We have kits at school for free to all Latin students, or you may use one you have at home. Students who have not submitted their results will test on campus Thursday.
- Latin bus service begins tomorrow! You can read more about it on the Back to School page and sign up. The late bus (leaving at 4:45 M, T, Th and 4:00 on W) will begin after Labor Day. For Middle School sports tryouts before Labor Day, we will offer a late bus for participating students coordinated through Coach Eleby-El (no need to sign up). Questions? Ask Martita Fleming.
- MAGIS, our afterschool program, will begin after Labor Day. Please see more information and find the registration form below.
Please read on for more details on each event – we look forward to seeing you soon!
COVID Vaccination & Testing
Back to School COVID Testing
Please submit before Thursday at 8:00 am, if possible!
If you are unable to test your child before tomorrow morning, we will test them upon their arrival to campus.
Washington Latin has rapid test kits for all students to be tested at home. You may pick up a free kit from us or use another kit. All students should test at home before Thursday, August 25 by 8:00 am (before they return to campus). DC residents can also obtain a free test kit at any DC Public Library. All test results, whether positive or negative, must be reported to DC Health via this link.
COVID Vaccination Proof or Weekly Testing
DC Health policy states that all public school students aged 12 and above must be vaccinated against COVID to attend school. All students must also have updated immunization records on file or will not be allowed to attend school. Read more and make your child’s appointment today!
Washington Latin students must either share proof of being fully vaccinated or show weekly proof of a negative COVID test. That testing can happen either on campus or at another location of your choosing. Returning students whose vax cards were submitted last year and have not received additional doses or booster shots do NOT need to resubmit a photo of the card.
You may upload your child’s vax card scan or photo with this form.
Those who are new to Latin or have updated vax status since last year, there are three options:
Provide a PDF or photo of the vaccination card.
Regular testing is not required at this time.
You tell us the date by which the student will be fully vaccinated.
Indicate your testing preferences (on-campus or elsewhere).
Uniforms - Policy and Purchasing
Uniform Policy & Purchasing
School uniforms are an important part of the culture at Washington Latin. Uniforms serve many purposes; foundational among them is that they communicate the shared objective of learning and that the school is a place for serious academic pursuits. The school uniform can also help to alleviate anxiety about dress choices for school and reduce non-academic distractions in the school environment. READ FULL POLICY
Uniform Policy Changes for 2022-23
- SAME – Polo shirt in navy, gray or white with the logo/crest
- SAME – Khaki bottoms, including pants and skirts or shorts
- *NEW* Navy bottoms, including pants and skirts or shorts
- *OUT* Hoodies of any kind are no longer allowed (including gym class)
Used Uniforms Sale
We have our biggest sale of the year at our Back to School Get Together on 8/21 3:00 – 5:00 in the Martha C. Cutts Gymnasium. Please be sure to mark your calendars! Gently used uniforms, donated by Latin families, will be for sale – just $3 per item! All sales support the great work of our Parent-Faculty Association for the school.
Full Uniform Policy
Washington Latin Uniform Policy & Purchasing
School uniforms are an important part of the culture at Washington Latin. Uniforms serve many purposes; foundational among them is that they communicate the shared objective of learning and that the school is a place for serious academic pursuits. The school uniform can also help to alleviate anxiety about dress choices for school and reduce nonacademic distractions in the school environment.
Washington Latin believes that appearance is important and requires students to meet the highest standards of dress and deportment. We see families as our partners in ensuring that students come to school each day as representatives of our school community. We require all students to wear uniforms and adhere to the Uniform Policy at all times while in the school building and at school-sponsored functions. Students’ personal presentation should reflect modesty, neatness, and cleanliness. Students are not to wear hats or other headwear except for medical reasons or as personal religious beliefs dictate. All Washington Latin administration and faculty will strictly enforce the following Uniform Policy. Failure to adhere to the Uniform Policy will result in strategic intervention or disciplinary action; chronic non- adherence may lead to additional discipline action. Washington Latin also reserves the right to change this policy as needed. Daily School-wide Uniform Uniforms are to be worn with careful attention to proper presentation, appearance, and sizing. The basic Latin uniform consists of khaki (tan) or navy slacks or dress pants and a collared white, gray, or navy polo shirt with the Latin logo. Please see the following list of acceptable items and other notes.
Daily School-wide Uniform
Uniforms are to be worn with careful attention to proper presentation, appearance, and sizing. The basic Latin uniform consists of khaki (tan) or navy slacks or dress pants and a collared white, gray, or navy polo shirt with the Latin logo. Please see the following list of acceptable items and other notes.
- A navy, gray, or white long- or short-sleeved polo shirt with school logo.
- You may purchase plain white, gray or navy polos from any store of your choice. This can be worn with a logo patch you sew on yourself (available at the Latin School Store), or a logo added by G-Land for a small fee.
- Seniors may wear a plain, white, gray, or navy, collared shirt (professional wear).
- Students may wear navy, gray or white sweaters and sweatshirts; sweaters and sweatshirts must either have the Latin logo or be completely solid and plain.
- Hoodies are not permitted.
- You may purchase navy sweaters/vests/cardigans from any store of your choice and then add the logo. This can be with a patch you sew on yourself (available at the Latin School Store), or a logo added by G-Land for a nominal fee.
Pants, skirts and dresses and other bottoms
- Khaki (tan) or navy slacks or dress pants, shorts, or skirts.
- Blue jeans, sweat pants, and variations of brown and olive green are strictly not allowed.
- Khaki or navy pants, shorts or skirts may be purchased from a store of your choice. G-Land and Land’s End offer them, but you do not have to purchase from them.
- Students may wear solid leggings or tights in navy, gray, white, or black with shorts and skirts. Fishnet leggings and stockings are not allowed.
- Students may wear a navy polo dress with school logo (available through Lands End only). Also allowed are khaki (tan) jumpers with school logo, worn with a collared shirt underneath.
- Coats, jackets, gloves, hats, skullcaps, and head wraps must be removed once students enter the building, except as medical reasons or personal religious beliefs dictate.
- Students must wear closed-toe shoes. Slip-ons or open-toed sandals are not allowed. Shoes and socks should be school appropriate. Beyond this, there are no specific restrictions on color, etc.
Physical Education and Athletics Wear
5th and 6th grade – Students are required to purchase their physical education uniforms: a gray Latin shirt, cardinal Latin mesh shorts, gray Latin crewneck sweatshirt, and gray Latin sweatpants. The crewneck sweatshirt may also be worn during school and in the classroom. Families need to purchase all items only from GLand Uniforms or at the PFA Used Uniform store.
7th and 8th grade – Students purchase athletic team uniforms directly from Washington Latin. Mr. Bob Eleby-El, Athletics Director, will provide a form to all students seasonally with details.
Upper School – Athletic team uniforms are provided to all players by the school and are expected to be returned at the end of the season. If a uniform is lost or damaged, the student will be required to pay the replacement cost.
Neither athletic wear nor sleep wear may be worn except as outlined in this policy.
Purchasing Uniforms
Latin uniforms are available from the following vendors. Every item that you find in our sections with these vendors has been pre-approved by the school.
- G-Land – to order; G-Land 1516 Wisconsin Ave NW to pick up orders
- Flynn and O’Hara –
- Lands End –, select “Find Your School’s Dress Code.”
- Logo Patches – You can purchase logo patches to sew onto plain polo shirts, jackets, sweaters, etc. These will be available at the start of school events and throughout the year at the front offices of both 2nd Street and Cooper Campuses.
- Used Uniforms – $3/each The Parent-Faculty Association has created a low-cost used uniform exchange. For a nominal contribution to the PFA, you can add to your child(ren)’s wardrobe and save the planet! Sales are ongoing throughout the year and most active at the start of school. You can purchase used uniforms at these events. Payments can be made with cash, check, or through PayPal.
5th Grade Supply List
5th Grade Supply List 2022-2023
Fifth grade is an important transitional time for our students that can be fun and exciting. In order to introduce new organizational skills and alleviate any confusion, we have adopted a color-coded system for each subject. Please do not deviate from the colors listed below, as these details will be important for organization and study skills.
Note: Students will be expected to bring their school-issued Chromebook and charger to school every day.
Required Class Supplies
- English – Folder with 2 pockets or accordion file for homework, black plastic folder
- Science – Blue folder with 2 pockets
- Geography – Red plastic folder with prongs, 20-25 clear plastic sheet protectors
- Math – Purple 1”, three-ring binder, 5-tab binder dividers
- Latin – Green plastic folder, Two packs 3×5 index cards, plastic case for index cards
- Theater – Orange 2-pocket folder
- PE/Health – Yellow 2-subject notebook, yellow 2-pocket folder
Required General Supplies
- Pencils
- Manual hand-held pencil sharpener
- Blue or black ink pens
- Pencil case or bag
- Pack of colored pencils
Optional Supplies
- Highlighters
- Glue stick
- Small pair of scissors
Advisory Supplies for Day 1
- 3-4 boxes of tissues
- Disinfectant wipes
A Note on Rolling Backpacks – Due to safety concerns, organizational habits, and space, the Middle School team kindly requests students not bring rolling backpacks to school. Students use lockers, keep textbooks at home, and regularly clean out binders to manage the weight of their backpack. Should you feel strongly that your child should be allowed a rolling backpack for health reasons, please bring a doctor’s note to the Middle School Director, Ms. Janelle Bradley.
6th Grade Supply List
6th Grade Supply List 2022-2023
At this stage in their academic career, many students are still developing an organizational system. While we know that not all students will benefit from the same strategy, there are some tried and true methods that we prefer students adopt. In that vein, the sixth grade teachers continue with the color-coding of the fifth grade, while introducing and teaching students how to successfully use binders and notebooks for organization. Please do not deviate from the colors listed below, as these details will be important for organization and study skills!
Note: Students will be expected to bring their school-issued Chromebook and charger to school every day.
Required Class Supplies
- English – Black folder with pockets
- Science – Blue spiral notebook, blue folder
- Civics – Red 5-subject notebook
- Math – Purple 1” binder with 5 dividers, box of pencils
- Latin – Green 1” binder with 2 dividers
- Theater – Orange 2-pocket folder
- PE/Health – Yellow 2-subject notebook, yellow 2-pocket folder
Required General Supplies
- Folder with 2 pockets or accordion file for homework
- Wooden pencils WITH manual hand-held pencil sharpener OR mechanical pencils with extra lead
- Blue, black and red ink pens
- Pencil case or bag
- Post-It Notes
- Pack of colored pencils
- Highlighters (at least 3)
- 2 packages of loose leaf paper
- Glue
- Pack of lined 3×5 index cards
- Scotch tape
- Scissors
- White paper
- Ruler (inches and centimeters)
Advisory Supplies for Day 1
- 3-4 boxes of tissues
- Disinfectant wipes
A Note on Rolling Backpacks – Due to safety concerns, organizational habits, and space, the Middle School team kindly requests students not bring rolling backpacks to school. Students use lockers, keep textbooks at home, and regularly clean out binders to manage the weight of their backpack. Should you feel strongly that your child should be allowed a rolling backpack for health reasons, please bring a doctor’s note to the Middle School Director, Ms. Janelle Bradley.
7th Grade Supply List
7th Grade Supply List 2022-2023
The seventh grade teachers continue with the color-coding of the fifth and sixth grades, while teaching students how to clean out their binders after each unit and how to safely file important materials and save them for final exams. Please note that our single-subject binder requirements are intentional. Please do not allow your child to have only one large binders with multiple subjects. Each class will require multiple sections of a binder and using only one or two large binders leads to disorganization and “exploding” binders and bookbags!
Note: Students will be expected to bring their school-issued Chromebook and charger to school every day.
Required Class Supplies
- English – Black 1” binder with 5 dividers/tabs, Loose leaf lined paper, Notecards, Highlighters
- Science – Chromebook, charger, & headphones
- Ancient Civilizations – Red 1” binder with 5 dividers/tabs, Loose leaf lined paper, Blue or black ink pens
- Math – Purple 1” binder with 5 dividers/tabs, Four function calculator (nothing more than Ti-34), Pencils
- Latin – Green one-subject spiral notebook, composition notebook
- Theater – White 1” binder, Loose leaf lined paper
- Art – $4 for sketchbook (purchased by art teacher )
Required General Supplies
- Folder with 2 pockets or accordion file for homework
- Wooden pencils WITH manual hand-held pencil sharpener OR mechanical pencils with extra lead
- Blue, black and one additional colored ink pens
- Pencil case or bag
- Pack of colored pencils
- Highlighters (at least 3)
- Extra package of loose leaf paper
- Glue
- Pack of lined 3×5 index cards
- Scissors
- Ruler (inches and centimeters)
Advisory Supplies for Day 1
- 3-4 boxes of tissues
- Disinfectant wipes
A Note on Rolling Backpacks – Due to safety concerns, organizational habits, and space, the Middle School team kindly requests students not bring rolling backpacks to school. Students use lockers, keep textbooks at home, and regularly clean out binders to manage the weight of their backpack. Should you feel strongly that your child should be allowed a rolling backpack for health reasons, please bring a doctor’s note to the Middle School Director, Ms. Janelle Bradley.
8th Grade Supply List
8th Grade Supply List 2022-2023
Our objective in eighth grade is to prepare students for the rigors of high school. We continue with the color-coding of the rest of the middle school, while giving students some freedom with their choices and gradually lifting some of the organizational requirements as students experiment with their own systems. Still, we ask that you do not allow your child to have only one or two large binders with multiple subjects. Each class will require multiple sections of a binder and using only one or two large binders leads to disorganization and “exploding” binders and bookbags!
Note: Students will be expected to bring their school-issued Chromebook and charger to school every day.
Required Class Supplies
- English – Black spiral notebook
- Science – Chromebook, charger, & headphones
- US History – Red 1” binder, red folder, notebook paper
- Math – Purple or blue 1” binder with 5 dividers/tabs, Scientific calculator (TI-34 calculator recommended), pencils
- Latin – Green 1” binder with 4 dividers/tabs, Loose leaf lined paper
- Theater – White 1” binder, Loose leaf lined paper
- Art – $4 for sketchbook (purchased by art teacher )
Required General Supplies
- Folder with 2 pockets or accordion file for homework
- Wooden pencils WITH manual hand-held pencil sharpener OR mechanical pencils with extra lead
- Blue, black and one additional colored ink pens
- Pencil case or bag
- Pack of colored pencils
- Highlighters (at least 3)
- Extra package of loose leaf paper
- Glue
- Scissors
- Ruler (inches and centimeters)
Advisory Supplies for Day 1
- 3-4 boxes of tissues
- Disinfectant wipes
A Note on Rolling Backpacks – Due to safety concerns, organizational habits, and space, the Middle School team kindly requests students not bring rolling backpacks to school. Students use lockers, keep textbooks at home, and regularly clean out binders to manage the weight of their backpack. Should you feel strongly that your child should be allowed a rolling backpack for health reasons, please bring a doctor’s note to the Middle School Director, Ms. Janelle Bradley.
9-12 Grade Supply List
Upper School Supply List 2022-2023
Upper School students are expected to determine the school organizational system that best suits them. The following is a list of general supplies that we expect all will find useful, but students may select the color or type that is most appealing.
Note: Students will be expected to bring their school-issued Chromebook and charger to school every day.
Required Class Supplies
- 2 binders (1″ or 2″) to bring their school-issued Chromebook and charger to school every
- 6-7 one subject spiral, three whole punched notebooks or white lined paper and dividers
- Pens and pencils
- Highlighter(s)
- Index cards
- Day planner *school planners with Latin calendar and other information can be bought at Latin at the start of the year
- Calculators: math teachers will consult with students at the start of school depending on course
- Questions? Please contact Upper School Director, Ms. Kara Brady (
Supply Lists PDF - All Grades
Chromebooks & Materials
Chromebook 1:1 Policy
Latin provides a Chromebook (think basic laptop) to each enrolled student.
This is often called a “one-to-one” or “1:1” technology program (one computer for every student). These Chromebooks are the property of the school but “live” with our students until they are no longer enrolled at Latin, including both regular in-person operations and during any period of distance learning.
Read more about our 1:1 Chromebook program on the Tech page.
Device Distribution
- Who: Every Latin student needs a school-issued Chromebook. Most returning students still have the device issued to them last year. Any returning students without a Chromebook should contact the Tech Office (
- When: Chromebooks will be available for pick up at all Back-to-School events. Any student (new or returning) who needs a Chromebook may come to campus for these events to pick up a device.
- What: To be issued a device, the Tech Loan Agreement must be signed by a parent/guardian and the student on paper. No appointment is needed.
Daily Tech Routines
- Chromebook + Charger EVERY DAY: Students are required to bring their Chromebook and charger to school every day.
- Day Loaners: If a student forgets the device or it is not working, a loaner Chromebook may be checked out for a single school day. These are available for checkout from the library throughout the day, with additional devices available in the tech office.
- Tech Help Desk: When something goes wrong, there is help! We now have an official ticket submission app now for any Chromebook issues. Details are available on our Tech page!
Free & Reduced Meals Forms
Free and Reduced Meals Form
Applications for Free and Reduced Meals (FARMs) are available now for the 2022-23 school year. You may fill out this form or print it to complete on paper. Either way, the completed PDF file should be returned to Martita Fleming for confirmation of eligibility. Remember that you must re-apply even if you were eligible last year; please contact Ms. Fleming with questions. Haga clic aquí para ver el formulario en español.
Bus Transportation
Chartered buses serving Hillcrest/Anacostia, Glover Park, Tenleytown, and Eastern Market are offered to 2nd Street families for the 2022- 2023 school year.
Standard morning pick-up times are as follows:
- Hillcrest/Anacostia – Pick-up at 7:10 a.m. in the parking lot of the Safeway shopping center near Good Hope Road, Alabama Avenue, and Naylor Road, SE
- Eastern Market – Pick-up at 7:30 am on North Carolina and 7th, SE (2 buses originating at Eastern Market; one bus coming from Hillcrest/Anacostia)
- Glover Park – Pick-up at 7:25 at the Guy Mason Recreation Center Parking Lot
- Tenleytown – Pick-up at 7:35 a.m. on 40th behind Whole Foods, bus coming from Glover Park
Return buses will depart for all locations shortly after the end of school. Tenleytown riders please note that the afternoon drop-off is on Yuma near Wisconsin Avenue; other buses drop off at the same location as the morning pick-up.
Bus service is free for families who qualify for Free and Reduced Meals. Other families may pay by the season or for the full year.
- FALL – August 25 through October 31 (46 days round trip x $12.75/day) $587
- WINTER – November 1 through February 28 (69 days round trip x $12.75/day) $880
- SPRING – March 1 through June 9 (66 days round trip x $12.75/day) $842 OR
- ALL YEAR – August 25 through June 9 – $2193 (5% discount for payment in full at start of year) – by 8/31/22. Families may instead elect to pay $230.90 monthly for 10 months (August to May), automatically billed to a credit or debit card.
Half-time or Occasional Use
Parents may enroll their children for half-time bus service (e.g. mornings only, afternoons only, etc.) for half price, payable either all at once at the start of the year or in three installments as shown above. Parents wanting to have their child ride the bus only occasionally pay $13/day round-trip. Occasional use will be carefully monitored and should sporadic use become regular use, families will be expected to pay the seasonal rate in full.
The Late Bus (4:45 p.m. departure)
For students involved in after-school activities, we will provide return transportation at 4:45 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday and at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesdays to all locations except Glover Park. Students signed up to use our Glover Park bus may use the Tenleytown route instead and connect to Southbound Metrobuses on Wisconsin Avenue. There is no late bus on Fridays.
Bus Registration Form
Bus Behavior Expectations Form
Kids Ride Free Cards
Pre-Register for a Kids Ride Free card
All DC public school student are eligible to receive a Kids Ride Free card for Metro rail and bus service. We assign cards to students who request them. Cards will certainly be available once school starts, but we will distribute them earlier, if possible. Note: 2021-22 Kids Ride Free cards are valid through 9/30/2022.
Kids Ride Free Request Form
Magis - Afterschool Program
Washington Latin’s MAGIS Afterschool Program is offered to middle school students for enrichment after classes end. MAGIS participants will have an opportunity to register for a variety of programs throughout the 2022-2023 school year.
The program operates from dismissal to 6:00 pm, Monday-Thursday. The program is not offered on Fridays, school holidays nor half-days. Students may enroll for 1 to 4 days per week per session or for the entire year. Drop-in is also possible, though we may not be able to accommodate students joining a particular program as it is offered on as an as-is basis. READ MORE
Athletics for grades 6-12
Fall Sports Registration
Upper School
Registration for all Upper School fall sports season opens August 13th at 5:00 pm. Practice days are Monday-Friday from 4:30-6:00 pm (actual practice time on Wednesdays will be determined by the coach). Preseason/tryout dates are scheduled for August 22nd, 23rd, and 24th. Interested players should email the coach to learn the specific practice and tryout times.
Upper School fall sports include:
- US Varsity Cross Country (no-cut) Mr. Hotchkiss, – Preseason: M 8/22, Tu 8/23, Wed 8/24 9-11AM
- US Varsity Girls Volleyball (cut-sport) Ms. Latham, – Tryouts: M 8/22, Tu 8/23, Wed 8/24 8-10AM (must attend all 3 tryouts)
- US Varsity Girls Soccer (cut-sport) Mr. Richardon, – Tryouts: M 8/22, Tu 8/23, Wed 8/24 9-11AM
- US Varsity Boys Soccer (cut-sport) Mr. Edwards-Stuart – Tryouts: M 8/22, Tu, 8/23, Wed 8/24 9-11AM
- US Varsity Flag Football (cut-sport) Mr. K. Coleman – Tryouts: M 8/29, Tue 8/30, W 9/1 Time: TBA
Registration for Middle School (grades 6-8) fall sports season opens Friday, August 26th at 5:00 pm. Practice days are Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 pm. On early dismissal days on Wednesdays, all student-athletes are required to attend tutorial before reporting to practice. Tryout dates will be scheduled for September – more information to follow.
Fall sports include:
- MS Girls Soccer (cut sport)
- MS Boy Soccer (cut sport)
- MS Girls Volleyball (cut sport)
- MS Cross Country (no cut)
- MS Flag Football (cut sport)
COVID Vaccination & Testing
COVID Vaccination Proof or Weekly Testing
DC Health policy states that all public school students aged 12 and above must be vaccinated against COVID to attend school. All students must also have updated immunization records on file or will not be allowed to attend school. Read more and make your child’s appointment today!
Washington Latin students must either share proof of being fully vaccinated or show weekly proof of a negative COVID test. That testing can happen either on campus or at another location of your choosing. Returning students whose vax cards were submitted last year and have not received additional doses or booster shots do NOT need to resubmit a photo of the card.
You may upload your child’s vax card scan or photo with this form.
Those who are new to Latin or have updated vax status since last year, there are three options:
Provide a PDF or photo of the vaccination card.
Regular testing is not required at this time.
You tell us the date by which the student will be fully vaccinated.
Indicate your testing preferences (on-campus or elsewhere).
Back to School COVID Testing
Please submit before Thursday at 8:00 am, if possible!
If you are unable to test your child before tomorrow morning, we will test them upon their arrival to campus.
Washington Latin has rapid test kits for all students to be tested at home. You may pick up a free kit from us or use another kit. All students should test at home before Thursday, August 25 by 8:00 am (before they return to campus). DC residents can also obtain a free test kit at any DC Public Library. All test results, whether positive or negative, must be reported to DC Health via this link.
Health Forms and Immunization/Vaccination Proof
Immunization Proof Required for All DC Public School Students
DC Health policy states that all public school students aged 12 and above must be vaccinated against COVID to attend school. All students must also have updated immunization records on file or will not be allowed to attend school. Read more and make your child’s appointment today!
- Read more about the immunization requirements on the Department of Health website.
- In addition to your child’s doctor, you can get both the COVID vaccine and other immunizations at school clinics (mobile and permanent) across DC.
- Please have a doctor complete and sign this health form, then return it to by the first day of school.
In addition to the health form, all students must submit a dental form, completed by their dentist and returned by the first day of school to
By DC regulation, all students must have up-to-date immunization certification on file with the school within the first 20 school days, or they will not be allowed to attend school or school activities until the immunization certification is secured by the school.
Masking & Hygiene
Masks are OPTIONAL at Latin
Washington Latin students and faculty are not required wear masks while on campus, both indoors and outside. It is optional, of course, and we ask that our community continue to respect the choice of any faculty member or student who decides to wear a mask.
Hand Washing and Sanitizing
Washington Latin students will be allowed ample and frequent hand-washing opportunities, and hand sanitizer is available throughout the building.
Building Upgrades & Sanitizing
Protocols for Building Cleaning
Latin continues with enhanced cleaning protocols during the school day, including:
- Frequent bathroom cleaning
- Frequent cleaning of high-contact surfaces
- Cleaning individual items after each use
Building Airflow & HVAC
Latin has made sure that we have increased airflow and filtration:
- HVAC Upgrades
- Open windows and doors
- Making use of outdoor spaces
Other Building Modifications
Additional changes to increase COVID safety include:
- Toilet lids added to all commodes
- Hand towel dispensers in the restrooms instead of air dryers
- Hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes available in all building locations for students and faculty alike
COVID Response
If a student gets sick on campus
- The student is immediately isolated from others.
- The parents are notified to pick up the child ASAP.
- We administer a rapid test and encourage additional testing, as appropriate.
If a student who has been on campus tests positive off campus.
- The family notifies the school by emailing or calling Martita Fleming.
- All individuals who may have been in sustained, close contact (as determined by the Department of Health) are notified.
- The student remains out of school until symptoms for a minimum of 5 days after testing positive or the onset of symptoms and may return to school as soon thereafter as they test negative AND have been symptom-free without medication for 24 hours.
- COVID positive but asymptomatic students will continue to learn with a temporary distance learning plan.
If we have community spread at Latin
- Isolation of the infected students will follow protocol outlined for on-campus COVID.
- The campus will be deep-cleaned, possibly requiring cancellation of some or all on-campus activities for a day or more, depending on the situation.
- We will consider shifting to remote learning for some or take other actions, as needed and recommended by DC Health and other authorities.