Eighth graders in Ms. Kolb’s Theatre class performed scenes from “Much Ado About Nothing” at the Folger Shakespeare Theatre on Tuesday. The play centers around the tortured love affair between Hero (Aimee Crozat) and Claudio (Charlie Fox-Whelpton), which is thwarted by the dastardly plans of the evil Don John (Max Burton). Their love is complicated when her ladies in waiting (Claire Emanuel and Kayla Schifferle) Meanwhile frenemies and lovers Benedick (Adelaide Pfeuffer) and Beatrice (Paulina Inglima) provide comic relief. Claire, Aimee, and Kayla earned the “Terrific Trio” prize at the play, and Adelaide and Paulina snagged the “Distinction in Acting” prize. Max was awarded the “Convincing Conspirator” for his villainous portrayal.