Many Washington Latin students traveled abroad this summer to learn language skills or volunteer. Rising junior Owen Fox-Whelpton studied Arabic in Morocco, traveling with his teacher Mr. Hamd. Sophomores Ketan Mampara and Alicia Campbell participated in the MMLA Arabic program. Seniors DJ Okuleye and Jania Clare and Tate Wright took part in the Living Latin in Rome program, and junior Kim Montpelier studied Greek in Greece. Senior Dyllan Cole travelled to Jordan and senior Chandler Brossard visited China through the NSLI-Y  program. Meanwhile, sophomore Lydia Moore visited Tanzania to volunteer in an orphanage, and senior Kyle Wood went to Zambia with a church group working in an orphanage. Studying language domestically were sophomores Li Qian Shoag, Jia Fleming, and Catherine Sherman, who attended Concordia Summer Language Camp in Chinese and sophomore Theo Greiff, who attended the camp in Japanese.