The Cooper Campus is gearing up for a new round of Arts Block offerings for Wonderful Wednesdays. Teachers have proposed and planned new classes that students will choose with ranked preferences. The first semester of Arts Block culminated with a showcase. New options include a Band Club, advised by Mr. Starnes and Mr. Evans, Creative Writing advised by Ms. Anderson and Ms. Nunn, Drawing Club, advised by Mr. Rios, Film Making advised by Ms. Maclay and Ms. Helck, a Gardening Club, advised by Mr. Jeremenko and Mr. Mey, Graphic Novels, advised by Mr. Thomas, Zines advised by Ms. Stewart, Sewing advised by Ms. Cox, Songwriting advised by Ms. Dowe, Survey in the Arts of DC, advised by Mr. Davis and Mr. Doyle, Watercolor Painting advised by Ms. Curley, Yoga and Meditation advised by Ms. Cottom and Mr. Della-Croce, and Yog and Wellness, lead by Ms. Gans and Ms. Adeosun. Students took a “gallery walk” to explore the new options for the second semester. In the spring there will be a second showcase for students to share their work from the second semester.