Middle school students attended the first Model UN conference of the school year at Holton Arms School on the 14th along with 200 students from the DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia area schools.  At the Closing Awards Ceremony, seventh grader Mila Appelbaum captured the top award for her committee as the ” Best Delegate”  for her work on the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) committee representing the country of Ethiopia.  She received a certificate and an engraved gavel as her award.  Overall, it was a very successful outing for Latin’s Middle School Model UN team. Seventh grader Francisco Blanco served on the committee called DISEC (Disarmament and International Security), representing the country of Ecuador moving toward gender equality in sports. Seventh grader Adrian Barbin served on UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund), representing the country of Somalia on the topic of malnutrition in children. Seventh grader Campbell Hall was part of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) committee representing Spain and debating the topic of: Education for Girls.