What a busy week it has been at Washington Latin! Monday, administrators met on campus, Tuesday the teachers who are returning to in-person learning had orientation, and Wednesday we were thrilled to see students in the building for Covid tests and orientation. Students had a chance to view our beautiful outdoor tents for the classes that would be outside, found out about our new safety protocols, and changes in classroom locations and scheduling. We also showed students how stairways would change to unidirectional usage, with the stairway in the library going up exclusively, and the stairway leading to the gym being used to go down. The stairway by the parking lot will also go down, and the stairway on the Ingraham side of the building will go up. We understand this is a lot of new information for students and teachers and that this has been a year full of transitions. The teachers feel enormous gratitude for the resilience and support we have received all year from the families who make up our school community. We are excited to start hybrid learning this week and begin anew!