On Tuesday, during Election Day, middle school students took part in discussions about their values and ideas. As our school grapples with a complex election, students have been asked by teachers to think critically about how our country discusses differences. Part of our school’s mission focuses on handling conflict and controversy and teaching students to thoughtfully and reflectively discuss complex issues. As they consider both the election but also how to engage in respectful sharing of ideas, we hope they will lead the way for a next generation who is better able to resolve differences peacefully and thoughtfully. Meanwhile, upper school students lead discussions about all aspects of voting and politics in small group Zooms. Upper school math teacher and community council advisor Ms. Raskin noted, “Upon watching you young people lead thoughtful, well-prepared sessions that educated your peers and elicited spirited discussion, all I feel is a sense of hope. If you are the future leaders of our country, we will be okay.” Washington Latin considers each student a future leader, and their complex thinking skills and willingness to challenge themselves to be intellectually flexible gives their teachers enormous hope.