Q4 2021

Forms to Sign

COVID Safety Contract


To keep our community members safe, students returning to campus for hybrid learning will follow the health and safety protocols outlined above, developed by Latin in strict accordance with the requirements and guidance of the DC Department of Health and other oversight bodies. All students returning for Hybrid learning must commit to these safety measures in order to keep our whole community safe. We ask that students and parents read this together, sign the document indicating your commitment, and then return the contract to Latin (email it or bring in a signed hard copy to school). 

DC Health Symptomatic Testing Consent

It is essential that Latin can test students who exhibit COVID symptoms on campus, so we can respond quickly and limit community spread. All students must have a signed permission form on file with Latin for this type of symptomatic testing.

We MUST have a signed consent from for this symptomatic testing by our school nurse for ALL students returning to campus in Q4 for hybrid. Please complete this form and return it to nurse@latinpcs.org.

Hybrid Schedule Overview

Arrival & Departure

Arrival & Departure Map
Arrival & Departure Info
Students will enter and exit the campus through a designated entrance to reduce contact between groups. Arrival and check-in will begin at 8:10.

  • 5th – Field gate on THIRD STREET
  • 6th – Field gate on INGRAHAM STREET
  • 7th – Field gate on INGRAHAM STREET
  • 8th – Door near MPR on INGRAHAM STREET
  • 9th – Front door on SECOND STREET
  • 10th-12th – Gym vestibule from PARKING LOT

Departure MUST be after classes end (no later than 4:15) or athletics (4:40).


Parents/Guardians must enter their children’s information in HealthCheck, Latin’s health screening app, on the day of on-campus classes.

  • Each student is linked to ONE parent/guardian email (P/G 1 from the enrollment form), but the email is only used ONCE to login to the account on any device. Each parent may use HealthCheck without needing access to the associated email after the first login.
  • Information is to be entered within 2 hours of on-campus arrival. NB: please do not complete the app the night before – the result will be cleared and your child’s entry delayed while we re-enter information for that day!
  • Latin will send a text each morning of your child’s on-campus class day as a reminder to complete the app.
  • Watch this video to learn how to establish your account on the app and start using it!
Uniforms & Masks

Uniforms are required every day on campus! This means khaki bottoms, a collared shirt with the Latin logo, and close toed shoes. Read the full uniform policy

Masks are also required – double up or a wear a single KN95.  We have beautiful hand-crafted Latin masks for sale or wear your own. (Email us for information on buying a Latin mask, made by Latin alumna parent, Antoinette Lee!)

Latin Transportation

We are offering limited bus service for Q4. To learn more, please view the Q4 Bus Information. If you have questions or would like to see if your child can be added to our space-limited bus option, please contact Martita Fleming, Director of Operations (mfleming@latinpcs.org)

Testing & Safety

Weekly Testing Overview

We are instituting regular testing for faculty and students who are on-campus to identify COVID-infected individuals who are asymptomatic.

  • Testing will be REQUIRED for students to return to on-campus classes, whether using our on-campus testing program or bringing a negative result from another testing site.
  • Latin is contracting with Curative for on-campus testing.
  • Curative tests will be with nasal 0r oral swab and self-administered (the student will swab him/herself).
  • Testing will be free to students and teachers on campus.
  • We began with baseline testing on the Student Training Day April 7. Contact us if your child still needs to do the baseline test.
Weekly Testing with Curative

Getting Started with Curative for On-Campus Testing

If your child has been tested at Latin with Curative, you have already been registered and do not need to do anything more. We will let all parents know the schedule for testing in the coming days.

If your child has NOT yet been tested at Latin by Curative, you may still elect to participate in program and must register your child. Pre-registration is all online (computer or phone) and takes 15 minutes or less. The app asks for the following:

  • Your child’s information (name, birthdate, address, etc.)
  • Parent information (name, address, etc.)
  • Health insurance information – Whether you have health insurance or not, we can still provide the weekly COVID testing. If you do have insurance, you will be asked for a picture of your insurance card (so good to have that handy) and/or the group and policy number. NB: the test is fully covered in DC with no copay or deductible for the family. Providing health insurance information allows Curative to be reimbursed (and thus lowers the cost for Latin).

After providing this information, you make an appointment. Select any time – your choice does not really count in this case. We will be testing students according to the schedule established for each student, if after Training Day.

Email confirmation will be sent to you and will have a QR code (but that is not the key). Look for the CUR123456789 (a 9-digit code) just under your child’s name. This is what the Curative team will need to check in each student for his or her test.

After this initial registration and provision of information, your child will be in our system, and we will make all future testing appointments. You, as the parent, do not need to go through this process again. We will make appointments weekly for each student participating in Curative testing.

Symptomatic Testing at Latin

Symptomatic Testing – when a child gets sick at school

Sometimes, even when a parent has completed HealthCheck in the morning, a student becomes ill during the course of the school day. In these instances, we will do the following:

  • We will isolate him/her and check symptoms.
  • The school nurse will administer a rapid COVID test.
  • Whatever the result, we will call the parent to pick up the child right away.
  • If the test result is positive, the student and any siblings at Latin must stay off campus for 14 days OR until symptoms are gone, whichever is LONGER.
  • If the test is negative but the symptoms are consistent with COVID, we will encourage the parents to have another COVID test administered after a day or two.

It is essential that Latin can test students who exhibit COVID symptoms on campus, so we can respond quickly and limit community spread. All students must have a signed permission form on file with Latin for this type of symptomatic testing.

We MUST have a signed consent from for this symptomatic testing by our school nurse for ALL students returning to campus in Q4 for hybrid. Please complete this form and return it to nurse@latinpcs.org.

Student/Family COVID Safety Contract

COVID Safety Contract

To keep our community members safe, students returning to campus for hybrid learning will follow the health and safety protocols outlined above, developed by Latin in strict accordance with the requirements and guidance of the DC Department of Health and other oversight bodies. All students returning for Hybrid learning must commit to these safety measures in order to keep our whole community safe. We ask that students and parents read this together, sign the document indicating your commitment, and then return the contract to Latin (email it or bring in a signed hard copy t school). 


Class Information

  • The general schedule for this year remains the same. Classes will meet for 75 minutes in MS, 90 minutes in US, and the period will be broken down at the teacher’s discretion.
  • 8-12 Note! There has been a rotation of periods, starting on 4/12.
    • Monday: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Zeta
    • Tuesday: Delta, Epsilon, Eta
    • Thursday: Zeta, Gamma, Beta, Alpha
    • Friday: Eta, Delta, Epsilon

Class materials

All Hybrid students should make sure they bring some key items every day.

  • Full water bottle
  • Snacks 
  • Lunch, if you’re bringing one
  • Devices (Chromebook/laptop and phone) – fully charged! 
  • Headphones
  • Independent reading book
  • Fun activity you can do on your own (puzzle book, coloring pages) 
  • Colored pencils, markers, or crayons for that activity
  • Basic school supplies (pencils, notebooks, folders); any additional supplies will be shared by individual teacher

We will have some loaner Chromebooks and/or charging stations during the day but urge parents and students to get in the habit of fully charging their Chromebooks over night.


Advisory groups will remain the same to foster relationships that have been built this year.

5th – 8th Grades

On-campus days – students attend Morning Meetings with their pods. Advisories do not meet.

  • First period (A or E period) teacher will lead off the day beginning at 8:45 am. 

Virtual and Asynchronous days:

  • Advisory meets as normal. Your teacher will read the daily bulletin and take advisory attendance.
  • Advisory lunch will continue to meet at noon on Wednesdays.
9th Grade

On-campus days – students go directly to their first period class and take advisory as normal, on Zoom, from there.

Virtual and Asynchronous days:

  • Advisory meets as normal. Your teacher will read the daily bulletin and take advisory attendance.
  • Advisory lunch will continue to meet at 12:15 pm on Fridays.
Chromebooks & Phones


Students should bring their chromebooks every day.

  • Please be careful with these devices, especially in terms of transporting them. A cushioned sleeve might be advisable.
  • Students will not use their lockers.. We will have security monitoring the outdoor classrooms, including when students are away (break or lunch) to avoid theft. Indoor classrooms will be locked when the class is away.
  • Some families declined the school Chromebook during Distance Learning but may want to have a school device for this quarter oncampus. If so, please read how to obtain a Chromebook from our Tech Office.



  • In Middle School, phones are to be turned off and put away during the day.
  • In the Upper School, we follow phone protocols of placing your phone in a numbered chart in the front of the room upon entry.  Your phone stays there for the duration of class.  *You will be able to see it, don’t worry!
  • US students will have access to their phones during breaks and lunch, unless they earned a phone violation previously.
  • If you do not follow these rules, you will be issued one warning. Thereafter, if you still do not follow the rules, you will be issued a phone use violation ticket by your teacher.

Phone violation means that you hand in your phone upon entry to the school building in the morning and it will be returned to you at the end of the school day. That will continue for the quarter.

New Procedures

Student Traffic in Building
Students may be in class outside in the field/lot tents, or inside classrooms. All desks/tables will be set to a minimum 3-foot distance, with additional space as possible.

Traffic in the building has some new rules:

  • Keep right! All traffic will move through hallways on the right side, with a minimum 3-foot space between individuals. Students should move with purpose and not linger in the hallways!
  • Stairwells now one-way! The stairwells are now either up or down. Here is a summary:
    • Main staircase at front door – go UP on right, come DOWN on left (as you face it)
    • Upper School wing (by parking lot entrance) – only DOWN
    • Library – only UP
    • Middle stairwell (by School Nurse and Gym vestibule) – only DOWN
    • MS stairwell (at the end of the 5/6 and 7/8 hallways) – only UP

Lunch is al fresco (outside) unless the weather is truly unbearable, and there will be a new line-up procedure for students picking up school lunch. Students will eat in a designated area by pod and/or grade to limit contac

Transitioning Between Classes

  • We will maintain the 15 minutes break & transition time between each class.
  • Teachers will escort the class to a designated outdoor area for breaks.
  • Maintain 3-6ft distance in the hallway and walk on the right side.
  • In inclement weather, students will remain in classrooms for break.

With 5 minutes to go before class, students will transition to the next class

  • Each grade will lunch OUTSIDE in a designated area.
  • Students getting school lunch will be directed by teachers to follow a specific path, pick up their meal in small groups, then go to the lunch area designated for their group
  • Students bringing lunch must carry it with you. No microwaves are available!

In inclement weather, alternative plans will be made and communicated to students for lunch protocols.

Bathrooms & Cleaning


  • Students will use hand sanitizer as they enter each new classroom space
  • Students are responsible for wiping down your tabletop and chair with a Clorox wipe at the end of each class.



  • During class, students should ask to use the bathroom for emergencies only.
  • Bathrooms should be used during the breaks.
  • ONLY 2 people permitted at a time inside! Line up outside if necessary.
  • Close the lid to flush every time! Wash your hands!
Communication and Mask Breaks
  • We need to communicate with each other safely, especially when half our faces are covered. Here are some signals we have taught students:
    • Mask Up
    • Praise
    • Thumbs up/sideways/down
    • Elbow hellos
  • Students can take mask breaks as needed, with communication with an adult, and in a separate safe space away from others, escorted by an adult.