Read about what is happening at Latin!

The Butler Didn’t Do It!

Ms. Haywood’s eighth grade English class watched “The Hound of the Baskervilles” in preparation for Halloween. The mysterious who-done-it features many aspects of a typical mystery, which students will be writing next week. The book by Arthur Conan Doyle, which was one of six choice mystery books for the first quarter, features alibis, aliases, disguises, notes, missing items of clothing, and red herrings, all elements students will try to include in their original stories which they have worked on for the last month. 


Eighth Graders Head to the Mall

Next Friday, eighth graders head to the National Mall for the first field trip of the year. The grade will visit various museums including Air and Space and American History for a scavenger hunt hitting on exhibits related to each of their academic classes. Bring walking shoes and get ready to explore!


Middle School Soccer Scores Again!

Middle School boys’ soccer continued its reign of victory on Friday with a win in the St. Andrew’s Tournament. The team beat Woods Academy 3-1, and then beat St. Andrew’s in penalty kicks, breaking a 2-2 tie!


Witches, Astronauts, and Cats, Oh My!

Teachers and students showcased playful headwear on Thursday in preparation for Halloween. Students and teachers were invited to wear wigs, hats, cat ears, or other Halloween paraphernalia as accessories to their school uniform. We hope everyone has a safe and creative Halloween long weekend!

We Feel Well!

We Feel Well!

Students engaged in an active but relaxing Wellness Day on Wednesday. The half-day, which focused on exploring new skills, learning to handle stress, and enjoying the great outdoors featured activities like cooking, drawing, coloring, crafts, jigsaw puzzles, stand-up comedy, creative writing, newspaper reporting, hiking in Rock Creek Park, and Shenandoah National Park, playing with puppies, riding bikes, playing kickball, ultimate frisbee, and capture the flag, painting pumpkins, taking nature walks, taking photographs, drawing with chalk, making Chinese food. At the end of the day, students reflected on the chance to have a loose and positive day to engage with friends and relax with their teachers outside of the classroom.