Read about what is happening at Latin!

Marvelous Mediator

Washington Latin 2019 graduate Sarah Abbas, will be starting a Restorative Justice Internship at the school, helping to grow the restorative justice and conflict resolution program with Ms. Grant. Sarah is a junior at George Mason studying Conflict Resolution. While at Latin, she was one of the first students to take my conflict resolution class and then served as a peer mediator for most of her high school years. Abbas earned a scholarship at the Carter School of Peace and Conflict Resolution presented by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, for her focus on Conflict Analysis and Resolution, with a focus on Law and Justice.


Familiar Faces

Ms. Coleman’s upper school art class completed stunning pencil self-portraits, using grids and photos of themselves. They used details about their faces, proportion, and perspective to create realistic images. These photos adorn the hallway as we enter the room. Come spot these familiar faces hanging in front of the front desk.


Service Support

Seventh grade students took part in making lunches at a food bank, dog treats and dog blankets,writing letters to veterans, beautification and litter removal of public grounds. The school partnered with A Wider Circle, The Humane Rescue Alliance, Central Union Mission, D.C., Rock Creek Conservancy, Capital Area Food Bank, and The Old Soldiers’ Home, D.C. The service projects were coordinated by English teacher Mr. Green, with help from seventh grade teachers. Community service is an ongoing part of Latin’s culture, extending from middle through high school. 


New Quarter Assembly

The upper school started the second quarter with an assembly focused on the theme of “Growth.” The gathering featured music by senior Jonah Spiva, junior Liam Burgon, and freshman Wyatt Mitchell, who performed “All the Things You Are.” Students watched the Zoom assembly during Advisory Lunch on Wednesday. The faculty speaker was science teacher and wrestling coach Mr. Torrence, who reflected on growth in science, nature, and students. The student speaker was senior Emely Ventura-Alvarenga. Seniors Aoife Butler and Sophia Zinn shared their work on the Latin Beautification Club, and Ms. Brady and Mr. Kelly spoke as well. The assembly was a chance for students to look back on their first quarter achievements and reflect on how they have grown as learners, friends, and citizens at our school.

Meet the Teachers

Parent teacher conferences will be via Zoom this year on November 11, 19th, and 22nd. The 11th and 19th will be days off for students, and the 22nd will be an asynchronous work day. Parents can register online for individual 10-minute conferences with each of their students’ teachers and have a chance to reflect on their students’ work, growth areas, challenges, and successes and get valuable feedback for the second quarter.