Join Us – We Need You!
We invite YOU to get involved at Latin! This is a great way to get to know teachers, administrators, and parents while also making a contribution that helps Latin be all it can be. You can volunteer in a variety of ways, some of them new this year, including:
- Organize speakers of interest to parents
- Help raise funds for Latin by writing grants or working on fundraising events
- Plan family activities such as our fall festival and movie nights
- Prepare communications – tweeting, posting, or just old fashioned writing
- Work in our terrific library
- Assist the school administrators with various clerical tasks, including filing, data entry, and mailing.
- Help with coverage of the front desk (answering the phone, greeting visitors)
- Join the School Wellness Committee implementing policies and programs concerned with the health and wellbeing of students and staff.
- Share stories and insights with groups of students about your careers, travel, cultural knowledge, etc.
- Assist with chaperoning trips.
- Help with the supervision of breakfast and/or lunch and recess.
- Tutor students and/or small groups to provide remedial support and enrichment (particularly in reading and math).
- Assist the school in the coaching of intra-mural and/or interscholastic sports.
- Volunteer to serve as advisory representative/homeroom parent for your child’s
Whether you are available only off-site, on nights and weekends, before or after school, there is something for everyone, so please get involved!
How do you get involved? Email: communication@latinpcs.org