We’ll Never Be Royals

Mr. Moore and Ms. Sisk’s eighth grade Latin students made presentations this week on Roman monarchies. The slideshows focused on topics including legends of the founding of Rome, Roman kings, brother stories, Etruscan funerals, later kings like Tarquinius Superbus, rebellions that overthrew the monarchy.

Movin’ and Groovin’

The ninth grade physics students are studying kinematics, the science of motion. Mr. Keller’s classes are measuring and calculating hang time, and Mr. Torrence’s students are making slow-motion videos of marbles dropping in order to calculate the acceleration of gravity.  Students consider the motion of vehicles, balls and falling and rolling, and projectiles. They consider gravity, free-fall, and use mathematical equations to explain and predict the nature of motion. 

Staten’s Shields

Sixth grade civics students have been studying Ancient Greek civilization with Mr. Staten. As part of their studies on the city-states of Athens and Sparta, including the Battles of Marathon and Thermopylae, the sixth graders built hoplon battle shields and learned to march in a Spartan phalanx formation.

Goals and Touchdowns!

The undefeated varsity girls soccer team beat DCI 2-0 on Wednesday. The team is coached by Mr. Richardson. Laila Axam and Genet Tewalt scored the goals. The JV girls’ soccer team won their first three games last week. The team is coached by physics teacher Mr. Keller. Meanwhile, the middle school boys soccer team shut out DCI in an impressive 10-0 game at RFK field. The team is coached by Mr. Ochoa and Mr. Cox. The varsity boys and girls soccer will play on Saturday at St. Andrews’ Homecoming Games. The middle school boys’ football team beat Meridian Public Charter School. The team is coached by Mr. Vaughn and Washington Latin alum, Mr. Walters (‘19). 

Fast and Friendly

At Wednesday’s cross country  meet at Kenilworth Park, the girls’ team earned a first place finish in the 4K race. Eighth grader Abby Hawkinson took first place, eighth grader Lola Orlove-Rodriguez took second place, and sixth grader Julianna Rodriguez finished fifth. Eighth grader Ryan Watterson came in sixth overall in the 3K race, with fifth grader Dino Sadiq-Silla, and seventh grader Dylan Hais finishing ninth and 11th. Eighth grader Jackson Trinca showed empathy and superior sportsmanship by stopping his race and helping a player from another team who fell. The cross country team is coached by Mr. Green and Mr. O’Brien.

Native American Narratives

Eighth grade history students in Mr. Byrd’s class just completed group projects on the five tribes of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy.  The groups presented an original slideshow on each tribe with each group member responsible for one aspect of their tribe’s society.  With the help of school librarian Ms. Hamm, students conducted research, completed their individual slides, and presented to their peers. Group projects help students develop collaborative and teamwork skills while working on public speaking.