Fancy Footwork

Fancy Footwork

At last week’s Penn Relays track competition juniors Ayinde Motirayo, Max Muradian and seniors Judah Lloyd and Sam Mader broke the school record for the 4X400 meter relay. The boys finished in 3:31.32, 4 seconds faster than the previous school record. The track team is coached by Mr. Callum and Ms. Brady. Motirayo and Muradian also competed last year.

College on the Horizon

College on the Horizon

Wednesday Sophomores and Juniors will attend a college fair at Thurgood Marshall Academy. More than 50 colleges will participate. Students will enjoy the opportunity to speak with members of the admissions staff, ask questions about college life, and get a feel for the various options for students after graduation. Our college coaching process starts with Freshmen and continues through four years. Students work with their advisors and with Ms. Latham and Ms. Richardson to plan their academic careers and decide what they value in their college plans. In October, Washington Latin also hosted its own college fair, with representatives filling both the MPR and library.  By continuing to expose students to aspects of college life through fairs, lunchtime college visits, and a tour during Spring Break, the college counseling office helps provide students with a broad variety of experiences to make choices about the future.

Salute to Our Seniors

Salute to Our Seniors

On Wednesday at 7:00pm, the Music Department honor the 24 musical seniors in the 4th Annual Senior Honors Concert. Students will sing songs by the Beatles, Palestrina, Ben E. King, Lionel Hampton, and Gershwin, as well as Broadway hits from the plays Dreamgirls, Wicked and Ragtime; it’s going to be a great program!  Several of the seniors have opted to participate in the choirs or Jazz Band for all four years in high school and worked for the whole time with choir and band director and Arts Department chair Ms. Nevola. These seniors include Maggie Dalzell, Aaron Figueroa, Allegra Hatem, Carmaya Humble, Nia Miller, Eowyn Sherrer, Tabatha Smith, Ned Yarsky, and Sophia Cisneros. Cisneros, Yarsky, and Smith all participated in the choir during middle school as well.


Workers’ Rights Examined

Workers’ Rights Examined

The 8th grade History simulation on the assemblyline continued this week, as students practiced designing shirt waists on an assemblyline and Ms. Coppola-Klein acted the role of Boss Lady. Real life manufacturing challenges included limited workplace quality of life (the lights went out, and the windows closed), increasing demands for speed, reduced wages, and hiring of new immigrants from the Ellis Island table to replace people who were not performing fast enough.   Eventually, some students opted to strike when they felt the working conditions became unbearable. As a result, students gained insight into the experiences of turn of the century workers and the impact of industrialization and immigration or workers’ rights.

Echoes of Nature

Echoes of Nature

This week the seventh graders will embark on the annual trip to Echo Hill on Wednesday and return at 3:45 on Friday. The Echo Hill Outdoor School is located in Kent County, Maryland and offers courses in Survival, Aqualogy, Adventure (low-ropes course) and Bay Studies (in a boat on the Chesapeake) and Scanoeing (swamp canoeing). Students will sleep over in platform tents and take hikes through the wilderness without the use of flashlights! The overnight trips that students take in seventh and eighth grade and in eleventh and twelfth grades allow them to connect with their peers and teachers in a new environment and become more aware of the natural world around them.