Kickin’ It Colonial Style

Kickin’ It Colonial Style

Eighth graders will visit Colonial Williamsburg on October 13, in an annual field trip to a city that is preserved like a time capsule.  Students will visit various historical spots, like ​Lord​ ​Dunmore’s​ ​Governor’s​ ​Palace​ ​at​ ​Williamsburg​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Capitol​ ​at Williamsburg​ ​where​ ​the​ ​House​ ​of​ ​Burgesses​ ​governing body once ​met. In history class, students will be reading about early American life in the thirteen colonies, from food, to government to clothing and daily life. In the spring, eighth graders also visit various cites associated with the Civil War era, like Frederick Douglass’s house and Lincoln’s Cottage.

Palate-Pleasing Prose

Palate-Pleasing Prose

Eighth graders took part in their annual “Book Tasting” event, lead by librarian Ms. Hamm. Students first took a reading inventory to reflect on the aspects of a “perfect” choice book. Then students moved through various tables and had the chance to sample various literary delicacies, from graphic novels, to historical fiction, romance, science fiction, and nonfiction, while listening to classical music. This event helps students get a “taste” for a wide variety of genres, and builds excitement for the independent reading units that the class will tackle over the school year. Delicious!

Partying with Parents

Partying with Parents

This Saturday  September 16th is a chance for parents and faculty to convene, eat, socialize, and catch up. The Parent/Faculty Social hosted by the Parent Faculty Association (PFA) is a great way to get to know other parents and faculty members in an informal setting, with a communal potluck and beverages. To sign up to contribute a dish to Saturday’s potluck, click HEREThis is an event that is just for adults, but you can bring the whole family to the Fall Festival in the courtyard outside the gym on October 15. That event includes a student-parent kickball game, a barbecue and delicious treats provided by the Parent Faculty Association, as well as other field games that are great for kids of all ages. To get involved in the Fall Festival, you may contact the ninth grade or fifth grade Parent Faculty Association reps Diana Bruce at – Diana Bruce, Shawn Jegede at and Ronnie Thaxton at
Dads Make a Difference

Dads Make a Difference

Several fathers and father figures in both the upper and middle school have joined Project D.A.D., an effort to engage men in connecting with each other and providing enhanced support for the young people in our community, especially those who are most at risk. We are so grateful to see so many dads who are active at Washington Latin as volunteers, in parent conferences, and in mentoring programs. This program helps provide a support system through regular meetings and activities for fathers to share ideas and get feedback on tackling some of the challenges of raising adolescent and preadolescent children. The program is being coordinated with help from Assistant Principal, Bob Eleby-El. To learn more, please contact him at or at (202) 909-2199.

It Takes a Village

It Takes a Village

Parents in the middle and upper school have gathered in their children’s classroom after-hours over the last two Thursdays to meet with teachers on Back to School Night. These events allow an important way for teachers to communicate face-to-face about curriculum and expectations. If you weren’t able to attend the Back to School Nights but would like to know more about your children’s work in class, please email their teachers and grade department directors (,,, to ask questions about upcoming assignments and how you can support their learning.