A View of the World

A View of the World

Over 150 people attended the study abroad info session last week in the MPR. Ms. Stouder, the modern languages department chair, coordinated the event.  In past years, students have studied abroad during the summer in Finland, China, Morocco, Qatar, France, and Switzerland, among other locations. Other students have chosen to pursue language immersion at various universities in the United States.

Language and Cultural Connections

Language and Cultural Connections

Ms. Stouder hosted a delegation from JESIE  (Jiangsu Education Services for International Exchange) last week to observe Washington Latin’s teaching practices and methods. Students got to take part in Ms. Stouder’s Chinese classes. This also allowed students to learn more about life and culture in China. The JESIE program highlights progressive and global approaches to both business and education.  Jiangsu has been on the forefront of expanding global partnerships with American businesses and educators. Ms. Stouder, the Modern Languages chair, routinely hosts visitors from China, to help encourage international cultural exchanges about education and social practices.


The Science of Sweets

The Science of Sweets

The Honors Conceptual Physics classes made cookies as the culminating piece of their recipe conversion project for their freshmen science course. Each student brought in a recipe, converted it to silly units (Tyrannosaurus Rex Brains, Grains of Sugar, Drops of Water, etc) then traded with someone who converted it back and is baking the result. Students realized that physics can produce delectable results!

Freshmen Facilitate Funds

Freshmen Facilitate Funds

Ninth grade students volunteered to sell baked goods, sing, dance, and juggle to raise money for victims of Hurricane Irma. The intrepid team of freshmen, joined by their history teacher Ms. Barroso, planned, coordinated, and baked yummy treats for sale at Eastern Market on Saturday and Students.  Ms. Barroso had also helped with a student-run fundraiser for victims of Hurricane Harvey.
A Winning Weekend

A Winning Weekend

Washington Latin sports teams finished the weekend with several more wins tucked in their back pockets. On Friday, the Girls Varsity Volleyball team, coached by Ms. Seid, defeated Georgetown Day School to win their second straight match. The Lady Lions won 3 out of 5 games in the MCC Gymnasium. Senior Kari Coleman had winning serves the entire game.  Then on Saturday cross country competed at the Landon Invitational and placed 3rd overall. Both sophomore Luke Tewalt and freshman Zoe Edelman finished first in their respective races while junior Nick Geist finished 6th. The Latin Lions competed against the likes of Landon, Bullis, DeMatha Catholic, St. Marys and St. John’s College.  Meanwhile for the 4th straight year, Girls Varsity Soccer team has retained the Championship Trophy at the Petworth Cup, hosted by Roosevelt HS.