Research on Poverty

Research on Poverty

As a culmination of the first quarter poverty unit, Ms. Haywood’s eighth graders did library research on Eleanor Holmes Norton to evaluate the type of legislation she has supported and committees she is on and write a letter to her about their ideas about combating poverty.  With Ms. Hamm’s help, students evaluated various sources about poverty in Washington, D.C. and analyzed what type of resources are available to support  people who are struggling financially in Washington, D.C.

Artists on Display

Artists on Display

The main hallway is now decked out with new art projects from Ms. Stephens’ classes. The 7th grade classes learned about Post-Impressionism, designing a composition and acrylic painting using specific style techniques. They took a Van Gogh painting and changed something about the composition. The high school Art 1 class created mixed media drawings inspired by an artistic selfie photograph. Students enlarged the photograph using the grid method. They used materials like graphite, ink, charcoal, fabric, and paper to add value and create form.
Family, Food and Fun

Family, Food and Fun

The Parent Association hosted a playful Fall Festival last Saturday, complete with bounce house, kickball tournament, and jousting space. Mr. Green’s advisory also sold sweet treats for hurricane victims, while the PA members provided delicious barbecue and healthful  fruits and vegetables. Students also hosted booths to share information about certain clubs. This annual fall event helps new families learn about the school community they are joining and allows parents, administrators and teachers a chance to socialize in a more casual, playful atmosphere.

Conversation and Consideration

Conversation and Consideration

Latin teacher Mr. Clausen hosted an afterschool “soiree” for teachers on the subject of Authority and Agency. Teachers meet regularly in these types of open-ended sessions to discuss a theme from their reading and how it can inform our classroom pedagogy. The discussion was based on teachers’ summer reading. Teachers evaluated different methods of enhancing student agency and sense of personal authority to help students become more active members of a school democracy, more thoughtful and involved in their own educations, and more self-aware and self-possessed in pursuing their academic goals.

International Models of Unity

International Models of Unity

Latin’s Middle School Model United Nations team attended the first middle school Model UN conference of the school year, hosted by Holton Arms School in Bethesda, Maryland over the weekend.The school was represented by eleven ambassadors for world peace, eight of whom were first timers at the Model UN conference. Four students were publicly recognized at the Closing Ceremony for their excellent performances: sixth grader Tomas Portilla-Marchion earned an Honorable Mention for his outstanding performance on World Health Organization committee representing the United Arab Emirates, on the topic of “Preventing The Spread of Malaria.” Eighth grader Henry Cohen earned an Honorable Mention for his work on the European Union committee representing Sweden on the topic of the “Syrian Refugee Crisis.” Seventh grader Liam Murphy earned a Verbal Commendation, for his work on the UN Environmental Program committee representing the country of Russia on the topic of “Poaching of Endangered Animals.” Seventh grader Genaba Diallo earned a certificate for “Outstanding Delegate,” for her performance on the World Health Organization committee representing Pakistan on the topic of “Clean Water.” Tomas and Genaba were attending their very first Model UN conference. Eighth grader Nalla Diallo served on the U.N.Security Council representing Lebanon on the topic of “Cyber Security Threats.” Seventh grader Levi  Nienstadt served on the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), representing Sudan on the topic of “Child Labor Laws,” while Danielle Chandler served on the committee, UNESCO, represented the country of Venezuela on the topic of “Freedom of Expression.” Seventh grader Elle Waters served on the European Union committee representing Slovakia on the topic of the “Syrian Refugee Crisis,” seventh grader Isabelle Charles served on the World Health Organization committee for Haiti, on the topic of “Malaria,” and seventh grader Annika Jobanputra served on the committee, UNESCO representing Cuba on the topic of “Freedom of Expression.” The team received several invitations to attend local and regional Model UN conferences, including several conferences in Virginia, one in Pennsylvania, and one in Boston, Massachusetts.