Play Ball!

Play Ball!

The softball and baseball teams will be representing Latin this Wednesday at the ‘Shred Hate’ reception at the Nationals Baseball game vs Padres. The ‘Shred Hate’ concept is part of the ‘No Bully’ program that strives to remove bullying from schools. The game begins at 4:05. Junior Shelby Griffith and sophomore Gaby Micheli will join 23 other student athletes on the field representing their schools. Our teams will also be featured on the jumbo screen.
Greater Debater

Greater Debater

At the final debate tournament of the year. seventh grader Jackson Lewis debated maverick (by himself) and won fifth place in the overall debate.  The debate team is advised by reading specialist Ms. Lee-Bey, and features individual and partnered debating opportunities to grow students’ rhetorical skills.

The Pride of Our Pride

The Pride of Our Pride

The eighth grade will celebrate the Advisory Olympics on Thursday, and the Upper School will hold Lion Day activities on Friday. Students will dress in class colors for for Lion Day and advisory colors for Advisory Olympics.  The eighth grade Olympics is an all-day event of sport and spirit, complete with advisory cheers, races, and tests of strength and agility. Lion Day will happen in the afternoon and will include musical chairs, can jam, face painting, an obstacle course, three-legged race, and other playful events. Let the games begin!





Fabulous Freshmen

Fabulous Freshmen

Ninth graders Jalen Richardson, Alicia Campbell, and Helena Ikenberry were awarded prizes for their science fair research at a banquet at the Elephant and Castle downtown this week. The Federal Water Quality Association honored high school students for cutting edge science fair projects in water quality. Richardson earned an award for his project using a magnetic fluid to clean oil spills, and Campbell and Ikenberry won for their project on the effectiveness of oyster filtration compared to a Brita filter. Students attended an awards banquet with physics teacher Mr. Torrence. This was one of several awards these students earned from the work they presented at the citywide STEM fair.

Our Spirit Runneth Over

Our Spirit Runneth Over

Eighth graders took part in a week and a half of Spirit Week activities this year to end their year on an exciting note. Last week students celebrated at the Flower Power Themed Dance. Best dressed winners included eighth graders Wyatt Grimm and Juliette Warga and seventh graders Zaire Jackson , Elle Waters, and Amirah Taliaferro-Brunn. On Monday, students showed their Latin Pride in team and school spirit-related outfits. Tuesday was Matchy Match day for some serious twinning. Even the 8th grade teachers got into the action with Ms. Haywood, Ms. Berment, Ms. Breitman, Ms. Coppola-Klein, and Ms. Stephens making a team of quintuplets. On Wednesday students dressed to impress, sporting fancy ensembles like suits and sequins. On Thursday, the advisories competed in Advisory Feud, and on Tuesday of next week, students will finish strong with Advisory Olympics, complete with athletic events that test their advisory endurance, speed, hand-eye coordination, and cheering abilities.