Soccer Scores, and Scores and Scores

Middle School soccer dominated in their games last Friday. The boys’ team won 14-0 against E.L. Haynes last week, and the girls’ team won 3-0. The boys’ team also beat St. Anselm’s Abbey  this week 2-0, with two goals scored by eighth grader Simon Baldwin. The boys’ team is undefeated in three games, and has not given up a single goal! Kudos to the quick-footed goalies, 8th grader Tate Meier, and 6th graders Musa Dansby and Nick Beggs. The boys’ team plays St. Andrew’s on Friday as part of a tournament.


Classical Comparisons

Mr. Day’s Honors English 10 students have just finished paragraphs comparing or contrasting their own personalities with those of characters in Homer’s Iliad. They considered the heroism and human frailties that plagued characters in classical texts, and how those same challenges may affect humans in the modern world. 

We’ll Never Be Royals

Mr. Moore and Ms. Sisk’s eighth grade Latin students made presentations this week on Roman monarchies. The slideshows focused on topics including legends of the founding of Rome, Roman kings, brother stories, Etruscan funerals, later kings like Tarquinius Superbus, rebellions that overthrew the monarchy.

Movin’ and Groovin’

The ninth grade physics students are studying kinematics, the science of motion. Mr. Keller’s classes are measuring and calculating hang time, and Mr. Torrence’s students are making slow-motion videos of marbles dropping in order to calculate the acceleration of gravity.  Students consider the motion of vehicles, balls and falling and rolling, and projectiles. They consider gravity, free-fall, and use mathematical equations to explain and predict the nature of motion. 

Staten’s Shields

Sixth grade civics students have been studying Ancient Greek civilization with Mr. Staten. As part of their studies on the city-states of Athens and Sparta, including the Battles of Marathon and Thermopylae, the sixth graders built hoplon battle shields and learned to march in a Spartan phalanx formation.