Joining the Posse

Senior Camsey Noonan earned the prestigious POSSE full-tuition scholarship to Lafayette College. Camsey has been active in the school arts community, sharing her music and poetry through the choice and the Hook open mic events. Previous scholarship winners of the POSSE from Latin include Helena Ikenberry and Ishmael Cabading (Class of 2021), Nathan Cobbs and DJ Okuleye (2019), Isaiah Smith (2018) Serena Jones and Alex Hagan (2017), Conor Moore (2016), Olivia Boyd and Maddie Galvez (2015), Desmond Miller (2013), and Fariss Nabih and Anaka Osborne (2012). The POSSE scholarship is offered by 63 colleges and universities that choose one or more major U.S. cities to affiliate themselves and, through an extensive interview process, award full-tuition scholarships to 10-11 students to attend their institution. The six schools affiliated with Washington, D.C. are Bucknell (PA), Lafayette College (PA), Lewis & Clark College (OR), University of the South-Sewanee (TN), University of Wisconsin-Madison, and University of Rochester (NY).  You can find more information at

Instant Gratification!

Tuesday, December 14th was Instant Decision Day for Seniors. Several colleges, including Clark Atlanta University, Winston-Salem University, and Livingstone College joined Washington, Latin on Zoom to meet with seniors virtually, assess their transcripts and essays, and interview students. Students were offered same-day admission based on student achievement. So exciting to start the year with several admissions under their belts. College, here we come!

All’s Faire in Civics Class

Sixth graders in Mr. Staten’s class will have a Renaissance Faire next Monday to engage deeply with the concepts they have learned about life in Europe from 800 to 1500.  Students have studied the Magna Carta, the scientific revolutionary thinkers including Copernicus, Galileo, and Tycho Brahe. The challenge to Aristotle through science and its impact on the rethinking of government in the age of Enlightenment.  The faire will include costumes, food, games, interactive activities based on the middle ages and the renaissance. Virtual reality tour of a castle, the British countryside, making heralds, playing medieval chess.

Wednesday Adventures

Upper Schoolers had the chance to let go outside the classroom for a wild Wellness Wednesday. Adventures included farming, jiu jitsu, a trip to a downtown holiday market, lunch and a bike ride to Union Market, hikes to Great Falls and Patuxent Park, a tour of art at the National Gallery and the trains at Botanic Gardens. Indoors activities included Zoom meetings, learning dog tricks, taking photos, and reorganizing their bedrooms, writing letters, learning about home buying, using coloring books, learning about college, meditating, and doing Zumba. Students finished the day after their activities with a chance to rest, recharge, step out of their comfort zones, and socialize.

Up in the air!

Watch out below! Mr. Keller’s Honors Physics classes constructed their own catapults and took measurements of the flying ball’s trajectories. A catapult uses physics forces, like stored energy, which hurls the projectile, without the use of an explosive. Students learned about the impact of tension, torsion, air resistance, and gravity, forces that would affect how far the ball would fly. This proved to be a timely lesson, as students just completed a history unit on the Middle Ages!  No group could spend over $20 total on their catapult and extra credit was given for the most inexpensive catapult.  Students launched three tennis balls at targets at 5m, 10m, and 20m, scoring points based on distance and accuracy.  Now that they have launched, they are creating digital scientific posters highlighting their design process and results. The best poster/catapult communications will participate in the Science Fair.