Who Said Sed?

Sixth graders in Mr. Staten’s history class will be participating in the Sed Festival on Friday the 30th.  The event is part of the study of Ancient Egypt. This celebration will include dressing up as Pharaohs, King Tut, Mummies, and other Egyptian symbols and understanding the culture of the time period. The name of the festival comes from the Egyptian wolf god. 

Journey Poems

Students in 8th grade English finished narrative journey poems about the experiences of refugees in the book Refugee by Alan Gratz. The story includes the experiences of a Syrian, Jewish, and Cuban refugee, whose stories collide at different moments in history. The free verse poems included onomatopoeia, similes, metaphors, and symbolism, and focused on using specific adjectives, vivid verbs, correct citation of quotes, and intense emotions. The next writing assignment will be a Shakespearean sonnet in October.


Middle School Football scored a triumphant victory in the first game of the season.  The team beat the Children’s Guild 38 to 6, with touchdowns scored by eighth grader Jerell Austin and seventh grader Simon Riedel. The team is coached by Cooper Campus dean Mr. Fisher. Meanwhile, Junior Varsity Boys’ soccer tied Basis 1-1. The team is coached by Mr. Ochoa. 

Stroll the Solar System

Ms. Dorsey’s class did a 5th grade Solar System walk around the building to better understand the distance between the planets.  Steps equated to distances between planets, so they could see how maps of the planets give a skewed perspective on the distance between planets. Throughout 5th grade science, Ms. Dorsey efforts to make scientific experiences real and tangible through hands-on learning. 

Flashback Friday

Students in World History 10 are creating a foundation to compare and analyze the past and the present. They are asking themselves the question: What was the world like in 1750? Students are evaluating the different empires, their connections, and changes from ancient history to today. The skill they are focusing on is understanding patterns in history across culture, and seeing the nuance between communities based on geography. Students are reading different articles on 6 different empires, working with partners and groups to teach each other about these empires. Next up, the class will tackle the Enlightenment revolutions.  Mr. Bhuva and Mr. Carmona teach the 10th grade World History Two Classes.