Letter from Diana Smith, Principal
Dear Latin Families,
It is not easy to write to you today, but the time has come: this school year will be my last as Principal at Washington Latin. Working with you, your children and this faculty has been the greatest gift an educator could receive. But it is time to pause to recharge my aging batteries and then take up the next challenge. This plan has been in the works for some time now, although the pandemic delayed my departure so that I could support Latin’s transition through this extraordinary period. While we are not past the COVID crisis, it is time for me to return to these plans. I have so many emotions about this decision, but I do know that it is the right one, both for me and for the future of the school.
Leading this school for the past 13 years has been the greatest joy and commitment of my more than 30 years in education. I believe so deeply that we are doing the right thing by providing a challenging, classical education that is accessible to all. We are a model, however imperfect still, for what education in this country should look like. When I began my tenure, we had students in grades 5-8 only and were operating out of a mansion and a church. When I end, we will have graduated nine classes from our high school and are now one of the most sought-after schools in the city. Looking back, I sometimes just can’t believe it. READ MORE
Washington Latin PCS Announces Academic Leadership Transition
Diana Smith, Principal, will step down at the end of this school year after 13 years as the academic leader of Washington Latin. James Kelly, currently our Assistant Principal and Director of the Middle School, will serve as Principal beginning on July 1, 2021.
Dear Friends of Washington Latin,
It is with mixed emotions that I share twin announcements about the academic leadership of Washington Latin. Each of these merits its own moment, though I share them together here as they are intrinsically related. The news of Diana Smith stepping down at the end of this year fills me with both sadness and gratitude for her many years of service. We will all miss her leadership of our academic program and team. Please read on for my thoughts on her legacy, as well as a letter to the community from Diana herself.
At the same time, I am delighted to announce Jimmy Kelly as our next principal. His dedication to Washington Latin and our classical mission, combined with his experience as an educator and skill as an administrator, make him a natural choice as Latin’s next principal. I am very pleased about this announcement and the opportunity to introduce him to our extended community. READ MORE
Washington Latin PCS Announces Academic Leadership Transition
Diana Smith, Principal, will step down at the end of this school year after 13 years as the academic leader of Washington Latin. James Kelly, currently our Assistant Principal and Director of the Middle School, will serve as Principal beginning on July 1, 2021.
Dear Friends of Washington Latin,
It is with mixed emotions that I share twin announcements about the academic leadership of Washington Latin. Each of these merits its own moment, though I share them together here as they are intrinsically related. The news of Diana Smith stepping down at the end of this year fills me with both sadness and gratitude for her many years of service. We will all miss her leadership of our academic program and team. Please read on for my thoughts on her legacy, as well as a letter to the community from Diana herself.
At the same time, I am delighted to announce Jimmy Kelly as our next principal. His dedication to Washington Latin and our classical mission, combined with his experience as an educator and skill as an administrator, make him a natural choice as Latin’s next principal. I am very pleased about this announcement and the opportunity to introduce him to our extended community. READ MORE