New art work is hanging once again in the foyer and main stairwell of the building. Ms. Stephens selected works from students who were named “Most Creative Artists.” The new paintings are from a 7th grade unit on Post-Impressionism. The students learned about the artists from three different art styles- Impressionism, Post-Impressionism and Fauvism. The students also learned about how to arrange objects in various ways to create interesting compositions. Their assignment was to improve a Van Gogh painting by adding their own stamp to the work while also allowing the viewer to see the original Van Gogh idea. The colored pencil drawings are from an 8th grade unit on Narrative Art. The students learned about 5 different narrative artists, analyzed their pieces, and decoded works with various levels of symbolism. The idea of this project was to create a narrative, but to allow the viewer to finish the story. Some information is left out of the work. Featured paintings include work by Sabrina Nadler, Dainius Antoine, Jonah Spiva, Aoife Butler, Wyatt Grimm, Juliette Warga, Nate Cooper, Caroline Watterson, Adriana Torero, Abu Bockarie, Morgan Leary, and Ashley Abreu. Colored pencil drawings include work by Joshua Perrin, Chima Ukaegbu, Evelyn Hanson, Jelani Massey, Rebekka Stewart, and Aaron Scott.